
Konstantin Rzaev explains to Vedomosti the changes in the ROP from 2024

From 2024, the mechanism of extended producer responsibility (EPR) will change. "Vedomosti has gathered an expert forecast on the implementation of the new law. Konstantin Rzaev, co-founder and managing partner of EcoPartners, explained how the new recycling rules will affect the polymer packaging market.
"The recycling rate for polymer packaging, which is considered the least environmentally friendly, may be several times higher than the rate for the most environmentally friendly packaging, as well as significantly higher rates for a number of other materials (e.g. paper). This could strongly influence the activities of major users of polymer products and packaging. Whether this will be supported by the ruble or whether, in addition to financing, the ESG trend will return to the industry from the business side is still a question," said Konstantin Rzayev, co-founder and managing partner of EcoPartners Group.
The new ROP regulations divide all plastics into different groups, and it will no longer be possible to dispose of easily recyclable PET bottles instead of, for example, non-recyclable polystyrene egg cartons. This means that recyclers relying on ROP funds will be forced to find niches and develop recycling of those types of plastics that are abundant on the market in the form of packaging or goods, but are rarely recycled, Rzayev said. This is a huge incentive for technological development in the field of packaging, the expert believes.

Read the full interview at the link.
2023-12-15 19:56