Environmental Education 2021

Cooperation agreement with the organizing committee of the Competition "Regions - Sustainable Development"

The organizing committee of the "Regions - Sustainable Development" competition and the EcoPartners group of companies (formerly EcoTechnologies Group) signed a cooperation agreement. As part of the agreement, the parties will develop social and educational programs in the regions of the Russian Federation, initiate and develop projects in the field of recyclable waste sorting, recycling, separate waste collection, financially and non-financially support investment projects of impact entrepreneurs from the regions of the Russian Federation.

The «Regions - Sustainable Development» competition, as a non-state institution for the development and support of entrepreneurship, provides financial (preferential project financing and lending, attracting government support measures) and consolidated non-financial (expert, consulting, partner and other) support to entrepreneurs from the regions of the Russian Federation. The mission of the Contest is to create the maximum number of opportunities and “points of growth” for Russian companies on one site and with one request.

Every year, the Organizing Committee of the Competition receives over 500 applications for investment projects, business initiatives from all regions of the Russian Federation and at various stages of preparation. Within the framework of the competitive procedure, “uniform coordination of the preparation of investment projects and business initiatives for successful implementation and obtaining positive decisions from the side of:
- partner banks and investment funds
- federal and regional government bodies and development institutions
- the largest industry associations (associations, unions)
- members of the "partner ecosystem"

“The Organizing Committee of the Competition "Regions - Sustainable Development", as a non-state development institution, begins to implement comprehensive support for environmental projects and business initiatives aimed at "sustainable development" of the regions of the Russian Federation. As part of our work, we will provide financial and non-financial support to commercial and non-commercial projects aimed at carrying out measures to eliminate accumulated harm and decommissioning obsolete industrial facilities, develop a “circular economy” and support the climate agenda (by adapting regional investment projects). We are glad to welcome the EcoTechnology Group of Companies among the participants of our partner ecosystem and we hope that through joint efforts and cooperation with members of the Board of Trustees and Expert Councils of the Contest, “green” initiatives in the regions of Russia will receive additional assessment and support” said Anna Sergeevna Belichenko, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the Contest

“We are grateful to the Organizing Committee of the “Regions - Sustainable Development” competition for choosing us as a partner, and we hope that, among other things, our joint work will help to resolve waste recycling issues in the regions of Russia.
We are convinced that it is beneficial for business to become environmentally friendly. Whoever does it today will become the winner tomorrow” commented the signing of the cooperation agreement Konstantin Rzayev, Managing Partner, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the EcoPartners Group of Companies.

About the Competition "Regions - Sustainable Development"
The "Regions - Sustainable Development" competition is a unique organizational program for the implementation of investment projects with state support / state participation according to the "single coordinator" system. Since 2011, the Organizing Committee of the competition has created a special ecosystem to simplify and improve entrepreneurs' access to concessional financing and specific measures of state support at the federal and regional levels. The organizing committee is the “single coordinator” for structuring the project, forming a complete loan package of documents, helping initiators in an independent examination of investment projects, and obtaining state support. The Board of Trustees and Expert Councils of the competition include heads of banks, federal development institutions and government authorities, leading industry organizations and associations.
2021-04-01 12:52