Recycling Plant 2021

TPRP received the award "The best plastic recycler in Russia"

The First All-Russian Plastic Recycling Award was held in St. Petersburg from 22 to 23 May. The organizer of the Prize is VtorPrice LLC, the first agency for the sale of secondary resources in Russia.

Representatives of the processing industry and consumers of secondary raw materials have gathered in St. Petersburg. Specialists in the field of environmental consulting and market analysts spoke about the recyclable materials market in Russia, international trends, and the environment. Leading experts discussed the issues of film production and technology for working with "secondary" on a multilayer extruder. One of the most experienced and well-known technologists in the polymer industry shared his knowledge about the methods for assessing the quality of the "secondary".

Our Tver Polymer Recycling Plant was represented by Alexander Shavelev, head of the commercial department, and Sergey Lebedev, director of development.
More than a hundred enterprises took part in the competition for the title of "Plastic Recycler". The jury evaluated the volume of processed products, the quality of the processed raw materials, the number of receiving fractions, experience with complex fractions and other parameters. Among the 10 finalists, 3 winners were selected. Among them was our Tver Polymer Recycling Plant, which received the award "The Best Plastic Recycler in Russia"!
2021-05-23 13:59